Our “Fill the Gap” Anonymous EXPO-STOP BBFE Survey Launches Today!

With Covid’s impact we lost 5 years of data-collection!

Today, Julie Nicholas and Terry Grimmond launch the AOHP “Fill the Gap” mini-EXPO-STOP survey to obtain BBFE incidence data for 2019-2023 calendar years.

EXPO-STOP BBFE incidence and benchmarking data is needed by OH professionals nationally and internationally.

To “Fill the Gap” and make it easy to complete, the survey is reduced to just 5 “Essential” and 3 “Optional” Q’s for each of the 5 years.

The survey is strictly anonymous – no hospital name is collected or used.

We urge as many members as possible to participate – our aim is to exceed the 2018 total of 281 participating hospitals from 37 states!

Simply insert your data into the Survey Monkey questionnaire accessed here.


Deadline:  March 31, 2024
Don't miss your chance to win a FREE registration to the 2024 National Conference by completing the AOHP "Fill the Gap" Survey before March 31, 2024!

Please join us in this great AOHP initiative – your initiative, helping our staff work in a safe environment.

For further information, contact Julie Nicholas juliezuydhoek@msn.com or Terry Grimmond terry@terrygrimmond.com, or AOHP Headquarters info@aohp.org.

Thank you from your AOHP Colleagues Julie and Terry, and the AOHP Executive Board.