Resource Guide/Beyond Getting Started

Beyond Getting Started Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Setting Web Resource Guide-Revised June 2020

Workplace violence is a threat to every worker in healthcare. AOHP is pleased to announce the creation of a web-based workplace violence (WPV) resource tool that has been developed in partnership with the OSHA Alliance. The reference guide includes resources from OSHA, NIOSH and other organizations such as The Joint Commission and the Emergency Nurses Association. The resource guide links will provide the user with useful information to address WPV in healthcare settings. Click here to download this free resource guide.

Beyond Getting Started Series - Respiratory Protection in Healthcare Settings Web Reference Guide (Revised Jun 2020)

The health and safety of healthcare personnel (HCP) is the primary function of the Occupational Health Professional (OHP) in healthcare. In order to advocate for worker safety, the OHP must be knowledgeable and competent in a variety of areas related to the health and safety of healthcare workers. One major area is respiratory protection (RP) which is governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Respiratory Protection Standard 1910.34. This web resource includes a variety of links from OSHA, NIOSH, The Joint Commission and AAOHN the will assist the occupational health professional in healthcare in building competence in respiratory protection.

Download the web resource guide here.

Beyond Getting Started: A Resource Guide for Implementing a Safe Patient Handling Program in the Acute Care Setting
Fourth Edition developed by the AOHP Implementation Team
Jun 2020

A primary goal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare’s (AOHP) Alliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to develop educational materials related to the targeted areas identified in the Alliance. Patient handling, bloodborne
pathogens, and emergency preparedness are the three focus areas for the Alliance. The Alliance recognizes that patient handling practices impact both healthcare personnel (HCP) and the patient.

Safe patient handling practices reduce the risk of the patient falling or experiencing skin breakdown from repositioning or lateral transfers in bed. The goal is to utilize safe patient handling equipment to mobilize patients sooner, more often, and to their highest mobility level. In addition,
implementing safe patient handling practices will reduce the facility’s financial burden with regard to patient and workers’ compensation claims.

This resource guide addresses patient handling with the goal of providing the necessary tools for the occupational health professional (OHP) to implement a safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) program. Since this guide was first published, the body of evidence that demonstrates the benefits of SPHM programs has continued to grow, and this resource guide attempts to consolidate that evidence into a useful format for the OHP or other healthcare professionals charged with implementing a SPHM program.

Click here to download Beyond Getting Started: Resource Guide for Implementing a Safe Patient Handling Program in the Acute Care Setting

Beyond Getting Started: A Resource Guide for Preparing for Mass Immunization/Prophylaxis of Healthcare Workers Introduction
Prepared by AOHP
Revised June 2020

Emergency preparedness is an essential responsibility within healthcare facilities. Before emerging infectious diseases (e.g., Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome [SARS], Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome [MERS], and novel influenza and coronaviruses) that threatened global pandemics and
bioterrorism were a reality, the role of occupational health in emergency preparedness planning may have been minimal. Today, the involvement of the occupational health professional (OHP) in the creation and implementation of the facility’s emergency preparedness plan is critical to the plan’s success. Healthcare personnel (HCP) are among the most important individuals to protect in the event of an infectious disease outbreak, as they care for victims exposed to the infectious agent. If HCP are not protected, they themselves will become vectors with the risk of being contagious before their symptoms appear.

This resource guide will focus on one of the key functions in emergency preparedness involving an infectious agent – mass immunization/prophylaxis capability. The guide includes information to develop a plan, samples of a facility-wide mass immunization/prophylaxis plan, and general resources, including Web links, that can be used to assist in the development of this capability within your facility.

Beyond Getting Started: A Resource Guide for Preparing for Mass Immunization/Prophylaxis of Healthcare Workers Introduction and 

Mass Immunization Sample Documents are FREE to AOHP members. Please log in to download the files.

Non-members, CLICK HERE to purchase.