Free Publications

May 2023
Loneliness, Isolation, and Social Connection

Fact Sheet 2023

Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community Partner Toolkit
Mar 25, 2022
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Presentation from The Joint Commission. 

Jul 2021

Safety Resources

Review and use these two helpful resources provided by Region 2 Director Cory Worden, Ph.D. ABD, M.S., CSP, CSHM, CHSP, REM, CESCO, ARM:

The Safety Improvement Cycle 
Developing a Safety Culture (in 10 Minutes Per Week Per Person!) 

For more information about Safety Compliance Alert, visit

EPINet Sharps Injury and Blood and Body Fluid Data Reports

The International Safety Center’s Exposure Prevention Information Network (EPINet®) collects, analyzes, and reports occupational surveillance data for sharp object injuries (SOI), needlesticks, and blood and body fluid (BBF) (mucocutaneous) exposures. The data is collected from a network of US healthcare systems and is reported in aggregate each year. The data provides extremely detailed information about the injuries and exposures so that facilities can utilize the information to create programs, campaigns, and interventions so these incidents can be prevented in the future.

Both SOI and BBF summary reports are available here:

A Reference Guide - Controlling Health Hazards to Hospital Worker

Information provided by Deborah Fell-Carlson, RN, MSPH, COHN-S, FAAOHN, Policyholder Safety and Wellness Adviser and Denise Knoblauch, BSN, RN, COHN-S/CM

A Tool to Make N95 Fit Testing Easier!!!
During a recent AOHP/OSHA Alliance conference call that included the NIOSH's National Personal Protective Technology Lab (NPPTL), a need was identified for healthcare workers to easily recall the type of N95 respirator for which they had been trained and fitted. The Alliance decided to create a generic card to document this important information. Ideas were brainstormed and the N95 Respiratory Training and Fit Testing Verification Card was created. It also includes tips for correctly donning/doffing PPE. We hope you will find this a useful tool for your respiratory protection program.

CLICK HERE to download printable card

ACIP Recommended Immunization Schedules
CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) maintains the most current immunization schedules on the Vaccines and Immunizations pages of CDC's website (, including the schedules published in this supplement. If errors or omissions are discovered after publication of the schedules, CDC posts revised versions on the Vaccines and Immunizations Web pages.

AHA Environmental Scan 2010

Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 4: Programs, Tools, and Products)
More information…

Beyond Getting Started Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Setting Web Resource Guide-Revised June 2020
Workplace violence is a threat to every worker in healthcare. AOHP is pleased to announce the creation of a web-based workplace violence (WPV) resource tool that has been developed in partnership with the OSHA Alliance. The reference guide includes resources from OSHA, NIOSH and other organizations such as The Joint Commission and the Emergency Nurses Association. The resource guide links will provide the user with useful information to address WPV in healthcare settings. Click here to download this free resource guide.

Best Practices for Health Care Professionals on the Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Diagnosing Pertussis April 2011
With the continuing resurgence of pertussis, health care professionals will likely see more patients with suspected pertussis. Proper testing criteria, timing of testing, specimen collection techniques, protocols for avoiding specimen contamination, and appropriate interpretation of test results are all necessary to ensure that Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) reliably informs patient diagnosis. PCR is an important tool for timely diagnosis of pertussis and is increasingly available to clinicians. PCR is a molecular technique used to detect DNA sequences of the Bordetella pertussis bacterium and unlike culture does not require viable (live) bacteria present in the specimen. Despite this advantage, PCR can give results that are falsely-negative or falsely-positive. The following compilation of best practices is intended to help health care professionals optimize the use of PCR testing for pertussis by avoiding some of the more common pitfalls leading to inaccurate results.

Click here to download the file

CDC Zika Sexual Transmission Toolkit
This toolkit provides content and resources for you to use to develop messaging that promotes prevention of sexually transmitted Zika.

Evaluating possible occupational health hazards: a free resource for healthcare workplaces - May 2010

Guide to Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions
This guide summarizes CDC’s recommendations regarding common symptoms and conditions that do and do not contraindicate vaccines licensed in the United States. Click here to Download

Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA-2009-0121-3106, Evaluation Of Exposures To Healthcare Personnel From Cisplatin During A Mock Interperitoneal Operation, University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada - May 2010

Infection: Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Primary and Community Care
Partial Update of NICE Clinical Guideline 2

Read more..

Managing an Intergenerational Workforce: Strategies for Health Care Transformation
Generational diversity is rapidly changing workforce dynamics. Each generation has different priorities, attitudes, communication styles, work approaches and ways to interact with colleagues, which influence organizational culture and performance. There are also common and unifying characteristics across all generations that can be leveraged to create optimal teams, critical for future healthcare models.

The American Hospital Association released Managing an Intergenerational Workforce: Strategies for Health Care Transformation in January 2014. Here is the URL to download this report.

Lessons From the Field: Promising Interprofessional Collaboration Practices from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Click here to download

Patient Safety and Quality - An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses
More information..

PPE in healthcare safety

Hazard Control Tracking Chart - this matrix identifies, for several major hazard groups in the healthcare setting, hazard control needs from regulatory compliance to training.

PPE Assessment Matrix - this matrix identifies, for several major hazard groups in the healthcare setting, PPE needs.

Frequency and Severity Function Model - with the 'risk function' meaning increases in frequency of hazard exposures and hazard severity equal increases in risk, this model illustrates that this is also true for different at-risk groups. For example, while Employee Safety hazards are very frequent, their overall severity - relatively - is not as severe in that these hazards rarely stop healthcare operations. However. Campus/Visitor Safety hazards are not as frequent but can lead to litigation, media exposure and other negative effects and are thereby more severe. Infection Control hazards are less frequent that these but are more severe in that they too can lead to major concerns of outbreaks and the resultant consequences. Finally, full emergency situations are less frequent that the rest but more severe in that they can effectively stop all operations. With this, it's imperative to note that, if Employee Safety hazards are not controlled (such as bloodborne pathogen contamination, patient handling hazards, disease exposures, etc.), the resultant injuries and exposures will lead to inabilities to properly prevent campus safety situations, infection prevention situations and, by default, emergencies due to employees either being injured, ill or unable to work safety during emergencies with heightened operational tempos and increased risk factors. This, in turn, illustrates why Employee Safety sets the precedent for safe work practices across the entire organization.
Information provided by Cory Worden, Ph.D. Candidate, M.S., CSP, CSHM, CHSP, REM, CESCO

Recommended Vaccinations Indicated for Adults Based on Medical and Other Indications United States, 2013
Print PDF document of this schedule

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention for Healthcare Workers has just published by NIOSH, January 2011

Download the Joint Commission Enterprise Content Library Index here
The Joint Commission Enterprise Content Library Index 2016 Q2


Reuse of Respiratory Protection in Prevention and Control of Epidemic and Pandemic-prone Acute Respiratory diseases (ARD) in Healthcare June 26, 2008

Guidance for the Selection and use of PPE in Healthcare Settings
Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings June 2007

Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for an Influenza Pandemic 2009
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and response guidance for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employers 2007

Infection Prevention and Control of Epidemic and Pandemic-prone Acute Respiratory Diseases in Health Care (interim Guidelines) June 2007

Back to Basics: The PPE Primer August 2009
New 2010 guidelines from SHEA on the Management of Healthcare Workers who are infected with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis or HIV