Winter 2014 Journal Summary Abstracts

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President’s Message
The President’s Message is a standing Journal column highlighting current hot topics. In this issue, Executive President Dee Tyler, RN, COHN-S, FAAOHN discusses the value of belonging to a professional association like AOHP.

Editor’s Column
This standard feature provides commentary from the current Journal Editor, Kim Stanchfield, RN, COHN-S. In this issue, she reflects on how AOHP's members can accomplish more together to advance the field of occupational health in healthcare than each individual working alone.

Association Community Liaison Report
Through this regular Journal article, MaryAnn Gruden, MSN, CRNP, NP-C, COHN-S/CM details how AOHP is gaining visibility as an expert regarding occupational health issues. She reports in this column on AOHP's involvement at NIOSH's public meeting on conformity assessment for non-respiratory PPE, OSHA's proposed rule to improve workplace safety and health through better tracking of injuries and illnesses, and the new OSHA toolkit for identifying safer chemicals to use in place of more hazardous ones.

Ready to Research
Column Editor Linda Good, PhD, RN, COHN-S presents this article highlighting one of the most rewarding aspects of research - sharing it with others to shape future occupational health practice. She uses the AOHP-sponsored bloodborne pathogen benchmarking study EXPO-S.T.O.P. to illustrate the importance of publishing research findings.

Tech Talk
Tech Talk is a regular Journal column that provides readers with helpful information about current technological advances that have the potential to improve the work of occupational health professionals. Column editor Cindy Brumley, RN explains several types of portable media storage, uses and limitations, and how to select the right type of digital storage based on needs related to capacity, durability, accessibility and obsolescence. A key focus is on Secure Digital™ media.

Grimmond T. Use and activation of safety engineered sharps devices in a sample of 5 Florida healthcare facilities. J Assoc Occ Hlth Prof 2014;34(1):13-15. Learn more...

2013 AOHP National Conference Wrap-Up
Carla Stevens, BSN, RN, AOHP 2013 National Conference Chair, provides a recap of the event, highlighting inspirational speakers, educational workshops and Board activities. She encourages all AOHP members to attend this year's conference, scheduled for September 10-13 in New Orleans.