Live on Sep 12, 2023 Noon – 1 pm Eastern
TB BASICS: The Tests, the Policies, the Plan
By Wendy Thanassi, MD, MA, MRO and Amy Behrman, MD
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Topic Overview:
There have been changes to tuberculosis (TB) testing policies, diagnostics, and treatments in the past 10 years that will be covered in this session aimed at the newcomer or the rusty. Worldwide and national data regarding TB in healthcare workers and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) policies will be presented. TSTs (tuberculin skin tests) and IGRAs (interferon gamma release assays) will be reviewed, with basics of boosting effects and reversions. New TB therapies for latent infection will be introduced, reviewed, and discussed so that occupational health practitioners become empowered to contribute to the elimination of TB in the United States.
1. Repeat the major tenets of the 2019 CDC MMWR providing Guidance for TB Testing in Healthcare Workers, which are applicable to all workers.
2. Identify two short-course treatments for latent tuberculosis.
Speaker Bios:
Dr. Wendy Thanassi is currently the Director of Workforce Health and Wellness at Stanford Medicine. She received her BA from Yale summa cum laude as a double-major in Biology and in African Studies. She went to medical school at Stanford and simultaneously completed a master’s program in International Economics. She then completed her Emergency Medicine internship and residency back at Yale. Her area of research and interest has always been in the global health arena, particularly tuberculosis. She has given national and international talks on topics and research related to tuberculosis for over a decade.
Dr. Amy Behrman is a Professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where she has served as Occupational Medicine Director for more than 25 years. Her practice and academic interests focus on healthcare personnel, occupational infections, nosocomial infection prevention, and adult immunization programs. She is responsible for clinical care, TB surveillance, and immunization programs for healthcare personnel, research staff, and veterinary staff at a large academic medical center. A fellow of both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), she is a past chair of the national Medical Center Occupational Health Section of ACOEM.
Requirements for Completion
Successful completion of this activity includes submitting an accurate registration, making necessary payment, and reviewing all activity slides and the webinar presentation. Completion of the evaluation form is required.
Type of Activity: Knowledge
Disclosures: AOHP does not guarantee, warrant, certify, verify, and/or authorize the content of this seminar, and/or any subsequent use of the information presented at this webinar. This webinar is not a clinical/medical service but is intended for educational purposes only. Planners of this educational activity have no real or apparent financial, professional or personal conflict of interest to disclose. Faculty/presenter disclosure is stated following each presenter’s bio-sketch. AOHP has implemented a mechanism to identify and resolve all conflicts of interest before the delivery of this educational activity.
Commercial or Sponsor Support: N/A
Continuing education Contact Hour: This activity awards one (1) contact hour.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 17664.
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The planners and presenter(s)/author(s) of this education activity have disclosed no relevant financial, professional or personal relationships with any commercial companies about this activity.
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