Live and recorded on Aug 8, 2024, 11 am – 12 noon Eastern
Supporting Compassion and the Health of the Healthcare Team
By Beth Lown, M.D., F.A.C.H., Chief Medical Officer, The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
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Overview: Psychological distress and burnout is prevalent among health professionals, including occupational health. Multiple contributing factors include high work load, emotional exhaustion, workplace conflicts, exposure to traumatic events, lack of control and poor work/life balance, among others.
I’ll briefly describe the social neuroscience of compassion as well as data about compassion, social support and health outcomes. I’ll then describe some of the Schwartz Center’s programs that support the healthcare workforce and evidence from research studies on some of our programs, including Schwartz Rounds and Stress First Aid.
By the end of the presentation, my hope is that participants will expand their consideration of how to support their own mental health and wellbeing as well as their colleagues and co-workers.
1. Describe the current state of health workers’ mental health and wellbeing and why this is important.
2. Explain the importance of team and system-level approaches to support the compassion of the healthcare workforce.
3. Describe evidence-based models for systematically supporting the well-being of health professionals.
Speaker Bio:
Beth Lown has been interested in empathy, compassion, collaboration and deepening the human connection in healthcare since entering medical school. This interest and commitment deepened over her many years of clinical practice and as a health professional educator and researcher.
She is the chief medical officer of the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the relationships and advancing the wellbeing of patients, families, and health workers. In this role, she participates in thought leadership, program development and research.
Dr. Lown has spoken and taught nationally and internationally about empathy, compassion, and mitigating psychological distress through social support and relational leadership. She has taught communication and relational skills to health professionals across the continuum of learning for decades. She has served as president and board member of the Academy on Communication in Healthcare and on task forces and standard setting committees on communication skills for the U.S. National Board of Medical Examiners. She completed a fellowship in medical education and has led and co-led fellowships in medical education for faculty within the Harvard Medical School system.
Her current focus is on supporting healthcare leaders by providing actionable frameworks and programs, and convening learning communities to foster and sustain cultures of compassion and wellbeing in their organizations and systems.
Requirements for Completion: Successful completion of this activity includes submitting an accurate registration, making necessary payment, and reviewing all activity slides and the webinar presentation. Completion of the evaluation form is required.
Type of Activity: Knowledge
Disclosures: AOHP does not guarantee, warrant, certify, verify, and/or authorize the content of this seminar, and/or any subsequent use of the information presented at this webinar. This webinar is not a clinical/medical service but is intended for educational purposes only. Planners of this educational activity have no real or apparent financial, professional or personal conflict of interest to disclose. Faculty/presenter disclosure is stated following each presenter’s bio-sketch. AOHP has implemented a mechanism to identify and resolve all conflicts of interest before the delivery of this educational activity.
Commercial or Sponsor Support: N/A
Continuing education Contact Hour: This activity awards one (1) contact hour.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 17664.
Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest occurs when an individual has an opportunity to affect educational content about healthcare products or services of a commercial company with which she/he has a financial, professional or personal relationship.
The planners and presenter(s)/author(s) of this education activity have disclosed no relevant financial, professional or personal relationships with any commercial companies about this activity.
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