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Beyond the DiSC model to become a better leader – the 8 Dimensions of Leadership By Lori Bechtel, MSN, RN, NE-BC
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Overview on Human Trafficking and Impacts to Occupational Health Professionals By Adam Sorelle
Managing Stress & Preventing Burnout with Mental Fitness Techniques By Lisa Hammett
The Hearing Wellness Program By Janel Moore, MSN, RNC-OB and Ladee Rhodes, RN-BSN, CCM, CAOHC, LSSGB
Occupational Color Vision: Standards, Testing and Rationale By Jeffrey L. Weaver, OD, MS, FAAO
Navigating Through Difficult Emotions – The Art of Connected Communication By Nancy Pionk, JD, ACC
Occupational Hazards: Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma And Burnout By Icahn Saelao
Relative Vaccine Effectiveness of Cell-based versus Egg-based Influenza Vaccines against Outpatient Test-Confirmed influenza, seasons 2017-20, United States By Brandon F. Young, Ph.D.
Developing a Virtual OHS Onboarding Program for Remote Workers & Geographically Distant Pre-Hires By Deanne M. Chapman, MS, PA-C
Preparing for Natural Hazards By Dr. Daniel Imrecke
Supporting Compassion and the Health of the Healthcare Team By Beth Lown, M.D., F.A.C.H., Chief Medical Officer, The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
Well-Being: What Role Does Muscle Play? By Thomas B. Giliam, Ph.D.
Utilization Of Travel Medicine Services by Occupational Health Clinics In Healthcare And Non-Healthcare Industry By Andrew Walker M.D., F.A.C.P.
Management Of Healthcare Personnel with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C And Or HIV By Bobbi Jo Hurst, RN, BSN, MBA, COHN-S
Health hazard evaluations (HHEs) on Unintentional Occupational Exposure to Illicit Drugs By Sophia Chiu, MD, MPH, Douglas Wiegand, PhD and Jessica F. Li, MSPH, CIH
Topic: Emotional Intelligence for Leaders By Adria Chambers M.Ed., LCMHC, CEAP
Topic: Latent TB Program in an Acute Care Hospital EH Office By Sarah M. Parris, MSN, RN and Elizabeth Kreikemeier
Topic: Making Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Management Easy: Practical Advice from the NCCC PEPLine By Erin R. Lutes, MS, RN, PHN, CNS and Rebecca Martinez, MS, RN FNP-C
Topic: The Transforming Power of Lifestyle Medicine: Helping Healthcare Workers Attain Optimal Health By Leticia A Nichols, ANP-C, COHN-S, NBC-HWC
Staying Safe at Work: A Look at Workplace Violence and Workplace Bullying By Kim Olszewski, DNP, CRNP, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN, FAAN
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