Member Benefits
AOHP Membership Benefits Include:
- Annual National Conference
- Continuing Education
- Direct links to web sites of interest
- Discounts on AOHP publications (i.e. Getting Started Manual)
- Free live webinars
- Legislative advocacy and updates
- Listserv
- Local chapters
- Local, regional, and national networking
- Monthly e-Bytes
- Peer reviewed journal
- Position statements
- Quarterly newsletter
- Research (i.e. E.X.P.O. S.T.O.P)
- Scholarship opportunities
- Standards of practice
- Strategic partnerships with NIOSH, OSHA, and The Joint Commission
- Webinars
AOHP Journal and Other Publications
AOHP provides a number of publications to its members that offer constantly updated knowledge. The AOHP peer-reviewed Journal is read cover to cover for its benefit in providing clinical information. Making A Difference, the quarterly electronic newsletter and e-Bytes, the monthly electronic email communication are also widely read for their coverage of clinical practice, regulatory issues, and wellness. For those who are establishing an employee healthcare practice for the first time, AOHP’s Getting Started manual is invaluable; the just published manual Beyond Getting Started offers more advanced guidelines for a professional practice. A number of other publications are also available for purchase through the web site.
Networking With Your Peers/Strategic Partners
Our members say that one of the biggest benefits they receive from the organization is networking with their peers in occupational and employee health at both a national and local level. AOHP provides networking opportunities at its national conference, where hundreds of colleagues gather annually. Most states have several chapters that meet on a regular basis and allow members to network. Members also use AOHP’s popular Listserv frequently to discuss various issues. Networking with strategic partners such as OSHA, NIOSH, and The Joint Commission further extends the web of important contacts, and is supervised by our Association Community Liaison. Members can remain educated about legislative activities pertinent to occupational health through the Government Affairs Committee (GAC).