Chair, Continuing Education Job Description



Position:                     Chair, Continuing Education (CE)

Responsible to:         Executive President 


The CE Chair manages the CE activities for the AOHP organization. The organization’s CE includes the Annual National Conference, web education, Journal articles, Getting Started Workshops including On The Road and Beyond Getting Started, and other CE activities as requested by the Executive Board or the organization. 

The Chair will act as the Lead Nurse Planner (LNP) of the Provider Unit (PU). The Chair is appointed by the Executive President, subject to approval by the Executive Board of Directors. 


Active association member for at least four years unless waived by the Executive President; employed in the field of occupational health in healthcare; interest and/or experience in continuing education activities; committed to association objectives; and an employee health role model for the association. A master’s degree in nursing is required. 

Duration of service/position

Selection: This position will be open by application to all of AOHP’s active membership. Selection shall be based on qualifications, background, experience and desire for the position. Final selection will be determined by the Board of Directors. The term of office will coincide with the year of the renewal application (every three years) for the continuing education providership.

Compensation: The AOHP member who holds this position will be compensated through payment for registration to AOHP’s Annual National Conference (includes registration, travel, four nights hotel), as conference attendance is a requirement for the nursing continuing education portion.

 Duties and Responsibilities 

1. Acts as LNP of the PU and adheres to ANCC required criteria.
2. Follows and disseminates ANCC updates to PU members.
3. Adheres to deadlines imposed by CE Committee or the organization.
4. Encourages members to use the CE process for local chapter and Annual National Conference activities.|
5. Coordinates the maintenance of CE recordkeeping with Headquarters in accordance with ANCC criteria.
6. Assists the PU every three years with the self-study renewal process to ANCC.
7. Submits ongoing reports of issues and criteria changes to the Executive Board.
8. Communicates updates/reports to membership during the Annual National Conference.
9. Submits updates to membership via electronic communications.
10.Develops and monitors strategic goals for the PU.
11.Oversees the CE process for the Annual National Conference. Duties include:
     o   Assists with content for the conference brochure.
     o   Reviews and provides input for the agenda. 
     o   Completes Planning Activity Form.
     o   Assists conference presenters to meet required ANCC criteria and reviews for appropriate format.
     o   Reviews Biography/Conflict of Interest forms of committee members and presenters.
     o   Identifies any conflict of interest, and resolves issues and communicates to learners in a disclosure format.
     o   May be a member of the Annual National Conference Committee.
     o   May be a member of the Annual National Conference Speaker Committee.
12. Assists with tasks for the continuing medical education (CME) application and processes when requested.
13. Assists with tasks deemed by the Journal Editor for quarterly Journal content.
14. Provides CE/ANCC updates to the Journal Editor for Journal content.
15. Assists with the application for pre-approval of CE activities to the Commission for Case Managers (CCMC) for the Annual National Conference when requested.
16. Develops, reviews and updates CE policies and processes as needed.
17. As LNP of the PU, recruits, orients and mentors incoming PU members.